Monday, April 27, 2015

Marking Period 4

Summer is almost upon us, students! Not yet though!

To Kill a Mockingbird online text

TKAMB audio book

TKAMB Abridged

To Kill A Mockingbird Guided Notes

The Nose Short Story

Week 2 folder (Writing 1, Review guidelines, Vocab 1: Arbitrate, Amiable, Expound)

Week 3 Folder (Writing 2, TKAM Historical Context PPT, Vocab 2: Unfathomable, Quell, Vehemently)

Week 4 Folder (Writing 3: Character Chart, Vocab 3: Abide, Extract, Oblivious)

Week 5 Folder (Writing 4, Vocab 4: Ominous, Garish, Reckon)

Week 6 Folder (Writing 5: Benchmark Essay, Vocab 4: Ominous, Garish, Reckon)

Week 7 Folder (Vocab 5: Turbulent, Convene, Elucidate - Vocab 6: Formidable, Temerity, Idealist)

Week 8 Folder ( Vocab 7: Heathen, Apprehension, Elude - Vocab 8:  Reprimand, Astound, Qualm)

Avengers: Ultron -Technology Article

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Welcome Back Everybody

I'll make this very quick and simple, since there is a sense of urgency to keep track of. We seem to be having problems with getting everyone subscribed to REMIND101, so I'll be posting links on this page as a way to give everyone access to the materials we use in class.
Marking Period 3: 

ANTHEM by Ayn Rand online text

ANTHEM audiobook Download from Dropbox

Anthem audiobook Stream from Soundcloud

Youtube The Village film

Qatar restaurant article

March Madness article

Harrison Bergeron

Allegory of the Cave

Writer's Checklist for Essays

Schedule Request Survey

Vocabulary Builder

 Julius Caesar Study Guide


PARCC Online Simulation 

Paper-Based PARCC practice test

Answer Key

Valkyre Film Assignment and movie file (Writing Center 1) 

Week 1 Folder [MLK "Letter from Birmingham Jail" Reading Center 1]

Week 2 Folder [Reading Center 1, Writing Center 1, Vocab Center 1: Acquaint & Prodigious]

Week 3 Folder [Vocab 2: Superstition & Reverence]

Week 4 Folder [Reading 2: PARCC Practice Test, Writing 2: PARCC Practice prompt]

Week 7 Folder [Vocab 3:Apparition & Mourning, Writing 3: Caesar Funeral Rhetoric]

I will continuously update this page for now until we resolve REMIND101 issues