Monday, April 27, 2015

Marking Period 4

Summer is almost upon us, students! Not yet though!

To Kill a Mockingbird online text

TKAMB audio book

TKAMB Abridged

To Kill A Mockingbird Guided Notes

The Nose Short Story

Week 2 folder (Writing 1, Review guidelines, Vocab 1: Arbitrate, Amiable, Expound)

Week 3 Folder (Writing 2, TKAM Historical Context PPT, Vocab 2: Unfathomable, Quell, Vehemently)

Week 4 Folder (Writing 3: Character Chart, Vocab 3: Abide, Extract, Oblivious)

Week 5 Folder (Writing 4, Vocab 4: Ominous, Garish, Reckon)

Week 6 Folder (Writing 5: Benchmark Essay, Vocab 4: Ominous, Garish, Reckon)

Week 7 Folder (Vocab 5: Turbulent, Convene, Elucidate - Vocab 6: Formidable, Temerity, Idealist)

Week 8 Folder ( Vocab 7: Heathen, Apprehension, Elude - Vocab 8:  Reprimand, Astound, Qualm)

Avengers: Ultron -Technology Article