Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You love to read, face it.

We will make it a point in this class to approach any and all forms of texts. Texts does not necessarily mean books and newspapers. We encounter texts off all kinds in our everyday lives, from the screen, the page, the web, or the stage. It is ridiculous to say "I do not read" -it's just not true!

Sure, you may not feel like picking up a book, and that's fine if that's how you want to live your life. However, you'd be remiss if you didn't give yourself proper credit for taking the time to sort through the various tweets, posts, texts, and everything else that comes up on your notifications screen or feed.

Multimedia still follows the basic structures that make up the literature you've come to know and grow weary of. Video Games and movies borrow storylines from century old texts; television shows today flow just like novels -carrying many of the literary element we'll be reviewing in this course.

Rather than repeat myself, here's a quick youtube video to compliment my point:

We consume various forms of media, and we consciously do it to feel. That's the claim being made in this commercial, and it's hard to argue against it. We as humans love to feel emotions. Such emotions. Much feels. Wow.

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